46 Attractions for Kids in Sharon Area (including Saturday and free)

Sharon area has many attractions. And today, we will cover the places kids usually love, including free activities, and open on Saturdays.

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List of Attractions

Notes regarding the table:

  • The table has a column named “Indoor Activity.” These are places that are suitable for rainy and hot days. For additional summer activities, see Summer in Israel.
  • The table lists places by their geographic location (from the center to the north).
  • The table does not list the usual children’s attractions, like playgrounds, Sky Jump, Ninja complexes, and cinemas.
  • You can sort and filter the table.
NameDescriptionIndoor ActivityOpen on SaturdayIs it free?
Migdal Tsedek National ParkYou can find a fortress, trails, and many other things at Migdal Tsedek (Migdal Afek) national park by Rosh Haayin.NoYesNo (free for Matmon members).
Rosh HaAyin ForestRosh HaAyin Forest offers tracks, including the wildflowers trail and archeological hike to Even HaEzer hill. Also, there are picnic areas and viewpoints.NoYesYes
Tel Afek (Antipatris), Yarkon National ParkThe Tel Afek compound at Yarkon National Park has the Antipatris fort, artificial lake, paddling pools, and a large picnic area.NoYesNo (free for Matmon members).
Yarkon Springs at Yarkon National ParkAt the Yarkon Springs in Yarkon National Park, you can walk along the Yarkon River, stay at the campground, have a picnic, and see history.NoYesNo (free for Matmon members).
Hidden Waterfall, Hod Hasharon – Free Pool in Yarkon RiverYou can find the hidden waterfall near the meeting point of the Yarkon and Kana rivers (to the south of Hod Hasharon).NoYesYes
Splash, Hod HaSharonSplash water attraction in Sharonim mall, Hod HaSharon, is a lovely attraction for children. But it is not suitable for all ages.NoYesNo
Hod HaSharon Park – Park by Ecological LakeHod HaSharon Park offers a lovely hike along the ecological lake, a climb on the top of the former waste dump, and a place for a picnic.NoYesYes
Cobs and MazesYou can pick corn and cherry tomatoes. And there are additional activities for kids.NoYesNo
Horshim ForestHorshim Forest near Kfar Saba offers nature, hiking and cycling trails, flowers, picnic spots, viewpoints, and ruins. And you can explore all that using several tracks.NoYesYes
Eretz Tzvi ParkEretz Tzvi Park features animals and playgrounds for kids, making it an educational, family-friendly destination.NoYesNo
Picking Strawberries – When, Where, and Comparison of PlacesThere are many places in Hod HaSharon and nearby areas where you can pick strawberries. To see a comparison of those places, see Picking Strawberries.NoYesNo
Herzliya ParkHerzliya Park has a variety of attractions for adults and children. There is a winter pond, playgrounds, a BBQ area, and more.NoYesYes
Meshek haParkMeshek haPark is an ecological agricultural farm in Herzliya that offers self-picking and other attractions for families.NoYesNo
Kfar Saba ParkKfar Saba Park has a variety of attractions for adults and children. There is a small zoo, a barbeque area, facilities for children, and more.NoYesYes. Some attractions are not free.
Raanana ParkRaanana Park has a variety of attractions, both for adults and children. There is a small zoo, a lake, facilities for children and more.NoYesYes. Some attractions are not free.
M’shoch BaGezerM’shoch BaGezer is a self-picking farm near Kfar Saba. And it offers two experiences: self-picking of vegetables or gathering strawberries and flowers.NoYesNo
Apollonia National ParkApollonia (Arsuf) is a wheelchair-accessible National Park near Herzliya. And in the park, you can find the remains of a Crusader Fortress.NoYesNo (free for Matmon members).
Sharon Beach National ParkSharon Beach National Park near Shefayim offers several short-loop hikes. The trails go on top of cliffs by the sea, and during the season, there are many flowers.NoYesYes
Parrot Farm, Kfar HessParrot Farm is a nice and colorful attraction in Kfar Hess, in the Sharon area. You can find there many different parrots and farm animals.NoYesNo
Meshek BergerMeshek Berger in Kfar Hess offers various activities for kids, including a petting zoo and playground.NoYesNo
Hanan the CheesemakerAt Hanan the Cheesemaker in Moshav Herut, you can join a tour, taste handmade cheese, and buy their produce.NoNoNo
Park Yakum and Poleg Gateway Nature ReservePark Yakum and Poleg Gateway Nature Reserve offer various circular family hikes close to Netanya. The trails pass through nature and history.NoYesYes
Agamon PolegAgamon Poleg (at Udim Quarry) is a small lake near Netanya. It offers an accessible loop trail around the lake with several lookouts.NoYesYes
Museum of Tractors in Ein VeredThe Museum of Tractors in Ein Vered presents many old tractors and other old items, and it is a lovely attraction for families.PartlyYesNo
Coastal Iris at Nahal Poleg Nature Reserve in NetanyaIris Atropurpurea is a protected plant and unique species that can be met only in Israel and Syria. And Nahal Poleg Nature Reserve is one of the best places to see it.NoYesYes
Ilanot National ArboretumIlanot National Arboretum near Netanya displays many different trees. Moreover, the botanical garden has paved trails, making it the perfect place for a family visit.NoYesYes
Havat Noy Botanical Garden in Emek HeferHavat Noy Botanical Garden in Kfar Monash (near Ruppin Academic Center) offers free visits and tours. Moreover, it is the perfect place for a picnic.NoYesYes
Viker Lookout – Mishmar Hasharon ReservoirViker Lookout (Mishmar Hasharon Reservoir) in Emek Hefer is one of the best places in Israel to see pelican migration.NoYesYes
Utopia Orchid ParkUtopia Orchid Park at Kibbutz Bahan is a unique botanical garden. You can visit the tropical rainforest, animal area, and other attractions.PartlyYesNo
Self-picking raspberries at Kaplan Farm in Kfar HaimKaplan Farm in the Sharon area offers self-picking of various kinds of raspberries and mulberry and activities for kids.NoYesNo
Bitan Aharon Nature ReserveBitan Aharon Nature Reserve is a lovely place for a short hike near Netanya. It is trendy in winter and spring when flowers bloom.NoYesYes
Agamon HeferIn 2017, near Alexander River in Hefer valley, Agamon Hefer was opened. It includes an artificial lake, paved trails, and several lookouts.NoYesYes
Halbrecht farm food gardenThey offer various activities for kids.NoYesNo
Turtle Bridge at Alexander RiverTurtle Bridge at Alexander river is named after the softshell turtles living nearby. And besides seeing the turtles, you can also hike along the river.NoYesYes
Beit Yanai BeachBeit Yanai Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Israel. At this beach you can swim, hike, see birds, kite surfers, and other things.NoYesYes
Lagaat BahaiotPetting ZooNoYesNo
Eco Park HaderaEco Park Hadera is an ecological park with various attractions for adults and children. There is a lake, a unique fitness complex, playgrounds for children, and more.NoYesYes
Shvil HatapuzimAmusement parkNoYesNo
Technoda - Israel Center for Medicine and Science, HaderaIf you love similar museums then see: Science Museums in Israel – Overview, Best and RecommendationsYesNoNo
Hadera River ParkHadera River Park is located next to Hadera, east of Orot Rabin power station. The park is not a big one, but it can be a lovely place for a family visit.NoYesYes
Caesarea National ParkCaesarea National Park is among the most visited sites in Israel. Its significant archeological remains result from more than 2,000 years of history.NoYesNo (free for Matmon members).
Birds Mosaic, CaesareaBirds mosaic is a part of a large mansion from the Byzantine period. And I suggest combining your visit with other nearby attractions.NoYesYes
Ralli Museum, CaesareaAt Ralli Museum in Caesarea, you can see the Dali collection, Latin American and Spanish paintings, sculptures, and much more. Moreover, the entrance to the museum is free.YesYesYes
Ein AvielEin Aviel spring is part of the Taninim stream. And since it is located relatively close to the center, it became popular among travelers.NoYesYes
Taninim Stream Nature ReserveTaninim Stream Nature Reserve is full of nature, wildlife, and archeological remains. And its short trails makes it perfect for a family visit.NoYesNo (free for Matmon members).
Alona Park (Mey Kedem)Mey Kedem is an ancient water tunnel in Alona Park, not far from Zikhron Yaakov. And you can walk inside the water tunnel.NoYesNo
Attractions for Kids in Sharon Area

Here is an interactive map of the area where you can see various attractions.

Attractions for Kids

Additional articles from this series:


I hope this post gave you ideas about places kids love in the Sharon area. And now it is your turn. What are your favorite kid attractions in this region? Tell us in the comments below.

That’s all for today, and I’ll see you in future travels!

Stay Tuned!

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