Unique Gardens, Tel Aviv – Visitors Guide

Unique Gardens in Ganei Yehoshua (Park Yarkon) consist of the rock garden, the cactus garden, and the trimmed garden.

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Unique Gardens is located in the central area of Ganei Yehoshua (Park Yarkon) in Tel Aviv.

Directions for drivers: Link to Waze and Link to Google Maps
Directions for public transport: Link to Moovit

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Interactive map of the area:


  • Hotels, hostels, and apartments in this area:

On the following map, Unique Gardens is marked as number #5.

Map of Ganei Yehoshua (Park Yarkon)
Map of Ganei Yehoshua (Park Yarkon)


A big parking lot is along Rokach Street (opposite the expo center and north of the garden). On weekends, it costs 35 NIS per day. Alternatively, you can park further away, in Ramat Gan. You can find additional info at the Rosh Tzipor Birdwatching Center.

Opening Hours

According to the following sign, the opening hours are:

Sunday – Thursday: 9:00 – 16:00
Friday: 9:00 – 13:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 15:30

Opening Hours
Opening Hours

But, according to the official website, the opening hours are Sunday – Saturday: 10:00 – 17:30.


  • Entrance with bicycles and motorized vehicles is forbidden.
  • Commercial and professional photography requires a license.
  • No touching and picking plants.
  • Entrance for animals is prohibited.
  • Having picnics and barbeques in the park is forbidden.
  • Stay on the walking lanes.

Entrance Fee

Free entrance.

At the Unique Gardens

Unique Gardens are located behind the Tropical Garden. Here is a photo from the entrance to the Unique Gardens:

Tropical Garden and a Statue
Tropical Garden and a Statue

As you enter the Unique Gardens, turn right to see the rock garden. On the left, you will see the cactus garden.

The Rock Garden

While walking on a path, you will find stones from different corners of Israel.

The rock garden covers an area of ​​40 dunams in the center of the park and displays a variety of the country’s rocks, which were brought to it from Hermon to Eilat.

Among the rocks were planted hundreds of different species of plants from the Land of Israel collected from all over the country.

Source: official website

Here are several photos from the rock garden:

The Trimmed Garden

You can find the trimmed garden at the far end of the unique gardens.

The trimmed garden covers an area of ​​about 15 dunams and combines formal, classical, and Mediterranean gardening.

The classic style, which originates from European gardening, is reflected in the pruning of the various plants, the geometric beds, and the water fountains. The Mediterranean garden, which is less formal, combines olive trees, noble oaks, and citrus trees.

Archaeological items and mosaics were incorporated into the garden, linking the historical past in the Land of Israel with gardening in modern times. The gardens have water pools, fountains, and water channels, which are important elements in early and classical Islamic gardening.

Source: official website

Before heading to the cactus garden, we climbed to the top of the hill in the park’s center. Here are several photos from there:

The Cactus Garden

The cactus garden was the last area we visited inside the unique gardens.

The cactus garden covers an area of ​​about 26 dunams and includes a rich selection of cacti and succulents from around the world, some of which are very rare.

The garden has about 50,000 plants and about 3,500 different types and species, such as milkweeds, cereus, aloes, and many sabers.

The garden has greenhouses for growing succulents and various cacti. Some were brought from around the world as seeds and germinated in the garden’s nurseries, some as plants from East Africa and the Kalahari Desert in Namibia, and some were donated from private collections throughout the country.

Source: official website

How much time does a visit to the gardens take?

A slow-paced walk around the rock, cactus, and trimmed gardens will take 40 – 80 minutes.


It took us almost an hour to walk around the unique gardens, and it was a lovely experience. We saw different rock types and various plants. We probably could have spent more time there, but since it was after visiting the nearby Tropical Garden, the kids were already tired. Since the gardens are not vast, I would recommend combining a visit with other nearby places. You can find additional attractions on the interactive map above.

Have you ever visited Unique Gardens? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

That’s all for today, and I’ll see you in future travels!

Stay Tuned!

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