Ramla – Attractions, Meaning, and More
Ramla is a city in central Israel (on Via Maris) established more than a thousand years ago. And you can visit various attractions.
Table of Contents
- 1 Attractions in Ramla
- 2 Map
- 3 Basic Info
- 4 What Does Ramla Mean?
- 5 Crime Rate in Ramla
- 6 Ramla World City Festival
- 7 Mehndi Ceremony
- 8 The Pool of Arches
- 9 The Franciscan Church
- 10 Ramla Market
- 11 The Great Mosque
- 12 Ramla Museum
- 13 Ramla World City Festival – Main Compound
- 14 The White Tower
- 15 Trucks and Transport Museum
- 16 Summary
Attractions in Ramla
Here is a table of the most popular attractions in the city:
# | Name | Rating | Number of Reviews | Comment |
1 | Ramla Market | 4.3 | 10,506 | You can find more info below. |
2 | The Pool of Arches | 4.1 | 2,602 | The Pool of Arches is an ancient underground pool in Ramla. And you can explore it by sailing in boats. |
3 | The Truck Museum | 4.7 | 1,544 | Trucks and Transport Museum in Ramla presents many old vehicles and is a lovely attraction for families. |
4 | The White Tower | 4.1 | 629 | You can find more info below. |
5 | The Great Mosque | 4.4 | 227 | You can find more info below. |
6 | Lod Mosaic | 4.5 | 149 | Recently a new museum was constructed in the nearby city. This museum is dedicated to one of the largest and best-preserved mosaic floors uncovered in the country. |
7 | Ramla Museum | 4 | 85 | You can find more info below. |
8 | The Franciscan Church | 4.7 | 64 | You can find more info below. |
The attractions table is sorted by the number of reviews, which can indicate popularity. However, there are two places for which you can not use that indicator. Ramla Market is used as a regular market and not a tourist attraction. Hence there are many reviews. And Lod Mosaic museum was only recently opened. Hence, places #2 – #4 are probably the most popular among tourists.
Recently Ramla World City Festival took place. And we decided it was the perfect opportunity to visit the city and its best attractions. And this post is the result of that visit.
Ramla is a city in central Israel. It is located about 24 km from Tel Aviv and approximately 50 km from Jerusalem.
Interactive map of the area:
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You can reach the city by public transport, either by bus or by train. Also, since the town is not that big (population is around 90,000), and there are not many tourists, there is no problem finding parking.
Moreover, three parking lots were marked before the Ramla World City Festival, and we had no difficulties finding a spot.

Basic Info
Ramla is a city in central Israel. The city is predominantly Jewish, with a significant Arab minority. Ramla was founded circa 705–715 CE by the Umayyad governor and future caliph Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik. Ramla lies along the route of the Via Maris, connecting old Cairo (Fustat) with Damascus, at its intersection with the road connecting the port of Jaffa with Jerusalem.
It was conquered many times by the Abbasids, the Ikhshidids, the Fatimids, the Seljuqs, the Crusaders, the Mameluks, the Turks, the British, and the Israelis. After an outbreak of the Black Death in 1347, which significantly reduced the population, an order of Franciscan monks established a presence in the city. Under Arab and Ottoman rule, the city became an important trade center. Napoleon’s French Army occupied it in 1799 on its way to Acre.
The town had an Arab majority before most of its Arab inhabitants were expelled or fled during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Jewish immigrants subsequently repopulated the city. In 2001, 80% of the population was Jewish and 20% Arab (16% Arab Muslims and 4% Arab Christians).
In recent years, attempts have been made to develop and beautify the city, plagued by neglect, financial problems, and a negative public image. New shopping malls and public parks have been built, and a municipal museum opened in 2001.
A 2013 Israeli police report documented that the Central District ranks fourth among Israel’s seven districts concerning drug-related arrests. Today, five prisons are located in Ramla, including the maximum-security Ayalon Prison and Israel’s only women’s prison called Neve Tirza.
Source: Wikipedia
What Does Ramla Mean?
“Ramel” means sand in Arabic. And Ramla was established on the sands along Via Maris (sea road). Hence the name.
Crime Rate in Ramla
When most Israeli hear Ramla, their first thought is not about archeological findings or tourist attractions in the city. Instead, they think about crime in the city. Because whenever you hear about Ramla in the news, it is usually about an additional offense. It is not only a biased feeling, but data support it. For example, this 2014 study checked the crime rate in 230 cities across Israel, and Ramla was in third place. And according to different sources (like this one), it is primarily drug-related crimes. Some even call Ramle and Lod the drug capitals.
This negative image hurts tourism. But it can also be beneficial. You will see and encounter real people, and not something polished for visitors. Moreover, most offenses are performed by offenders against other criminals and are not aimed at tourists. And we walked alone around the city for several hours, and I felt perfectly safe.
Ramla World City Festival
Ramla World City Festival is an annual event that usually takes place around October (during the Sukkot holidays). Besides visiting the most popular touristic attractions, the festival allows you to taste ethnic food, join tours and workshops, and enjoy live music.
We decided to use this opportunity and visit the city. But, since all workshops and tours took place in the middle of the day, and the festival takes place during working days, we could not join any of them (you need to take a vacation for that). Instead, we left work early and toured Ramle from 17:00 to 19:30. This post is the result of that urban exploration.
The World City Festival took place in several different compounds. The smaller one was near Ramla City Hall, and since we parked not far from the Police Station (in the parking lot behind Sderot Herzl 84), we started there.
Mehndi Ceremony
Near the city hall, we saw a small stage and several areas where you could see Mehndi ceremony decorations. Each space showed Mehndi decorations used by people from different places. Ramla is a diverse city. According to the official site, the population consists of Jewish immigrants from over 55 countries, Muslims, Christians, and Karaites. And the Mehndi presentation wanted to show that.
Here is short background information from Wikipedia about Mehndi (or as it is called in Hebrew: Hinna):
Mehndi is a ritual practiced by various peoples in the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and India. This ritual is celebrated before the wedding, and it marks the passage from living alone to a couple life. The ceremony was also adopted by some Eastern Jews. In the ceremony, red-orange material, extracted from the white ransom leaves, is spread in a round shape over the hands of the bride and groom. It is a hint of the shape of a coin, as a blessing of abundance and as a sign of good luck.
Mehndi was used for ancient ceremonies of joy in the ancient Near East. It was celebrated by the Sumerians, Canaanites, Ugaritic inhabitants, Babylonians, and Assyrians. And in Southern China, Mehndi was also used for erotic events for 3,000 years.

I overheard somebody asking about ethnic food at the Bukharian tent. The ladies answered that all food was consumed by noon. Thus, if you want to taste ethnic dishes, come early.
And the Star of David was part of Indian decorations:

From the city hall, we headed to a unique attraction in Ramla.
The Pool of Arches
The Pool of Arches is an ancient underground pool in Ramla. And you can explore it by sailing in boats. You can find my guide at The Pool of Arches.

From the Pool Of Arches, we headed towards Ramla’s bazaar.

On our way, we passed near the Anglican Church (Herzel Street 67), also known as Emmanuel Church.

And nearby you can find the Franciscan Church.
The Franciscan Church
Many Christians believe that Ramla is the town where Joseph of Arimathea lived who, together with Nicodemus, took Jesus off the cross. At the end of the 13th century, some monks came to the Holy Land, representatives of the Vatican, to guard the assets and sites holy to Christianity.
For this purpose, they established the “Custodia di Terra Santa” – the “Guardianship of the Holy Land.” The Franciscan “Terra Santa” organization bought land and, in 1396, erected a monastery on the site. Besides, it served pilgrims on their way from Jaffa to Jerusalem.
In the second half of the 19th century, the church’s construction at the center of the monastery started, with the help of donations from the Spanish church. In 1902, the building was completed. The compound also includes the “Terra Santa School,” which belongs to a countrywide network.
It is told that in the adjacent hospice, Napoleon Bonaparte was hosted during his attempted conquest of the Holy Land in 1799 and that he shot at the muezzin of the nearby mosque who disturbed his sleep. The room he stayed in is closed to visitors.
A visit is possible upon the arrangement in advance through the school’s offices for a symbolic fee.
Telephone: 08-912 7200
Note: unless stated otherwise, all quotes were taken from the official site.

But since we did not make prior arrangements to attend The Franciscan Church, we could not visit it.

Ramla Market
Our next stop was Ramla Market.
Ramla’s bazaar is a colorful and vibrant market. Take your time and enjoy the large variety and abundance of products offered to you by hawkers while they praise their wares as the best products available, and at the cheapest of prices.
The market was established at the end of the Ottoman period, underwent renovation during the British Mandatory period and has been in existence for well over a hundred years.
The market is one of the most colorful and buoyant in Israel. As the peddlers in their stalls promote their goods as the best and the cheapest, they often use tape recorders on which they tape their traditional advertising. In the market, you will have the opportunity to buy spices you will not find in any supermarket. And don’t forget to quench your thirst with fresh lemonade at the Limonero’s booth.
The “Wednesday Market” is an Israeli food and clothes market which first took place in Ramla and Lod and then started to migrate all over the country.
A visit to the market enables you to stock up not only on rare spices but also on all kinds of Arab style antiques. The Ramla market is open on all days of the week, except for Shabbat.
Markets usually are open from the morning until the evening. But I was hoping that due to the festival it would be open later.
As you can see, we arrived around 18:00, and most of the stores were already closed. It is also should be visited earlier in the day.

We left the Ramla market disappointed and headed towards the White Tower.
But before we leave the area, I want to mention two other touristic attractions near the market. They are The Great Mosque and the Ramla Museum.
The Great Mosque
The Great Mosque is one of the few Crusader buildings in Israel to have survived almost completely intact. The structure was erected in the 12th century as a Christian church, and the inscriptions found inside the mosque are indeed characteristic of the 12th century.
The building’s general layout includes three parallel halls, a nave, and two transepts, forming a classical basilica structure. There are other mosques in the shape of basilicas, but they are usually not this spacious. The mihrab, the prayer niche, points in Mecca’s direction, yet in the eastern wall, there is another large niche – which in the past was the apse of the former church, facing towards the east, to Nazareth.
The mosque is also called the al Umari Mosque. The term al Umari indicates that the mosque had been built with a different purpose and was later adapted to its new use. With the Mamluk occupation in 1266, the building was turned into a mosque, and a minaret for the muezzin and a prayer niche were added. At the mosque’s entrance, there is an inscription with a quote from the Koran, Sura 9, section 18. It also declares that Sultan Baybars erected the mosque in 1268 AD.
Sunday to Thursday 8:00 – 11:30 (summertime) or until 10:30 (winter time)
Visits must be coordinated in advance at 08-922-5081. The entrance fee is 7 NIS.
Ramla Museum
Ramla’s Municipal Museum was opened in 2001 in a historic building erected in 1922, which served Ramla’s municipality in the British Mandatory period.
The Municipal Museum documents and presents the town’s history from its founding in the 8th century AD and until today. The permanent exhibition is housed in six rooms, showing finds representing everyday life, commerce, art, and the population’s multi-cultural ethnic fabric. Also, the exhibition includes a selection of coins and hidden treasures that were discovered in the town, as well as models of central and historic buildings – the Pool of Arches and the compound of the White Mosque.
Opening Hours
Sunday – Thursday: 10:00 to 16:00.
Friday and holiday eves: 09:00 to 13:00.
* Group visits require a previous reservation.
Tel.: 08-9292650
Email: tour@goramla.com
Address: 112 Herzl Street, Ramla
We are approaching the White Tower compound.

You can find the Azrieli mall nearby. It can be an appropriate spot for parking, getting a snack, or looking for a restroom.

Ramla World City Festival – Main Compound
The White Tower was the main compound where most celebrations occurred.
As we entered, we saw a giant crane that lifted teenagers primarily. And then they slid down the rope. I did not check the entrance fee.

We also saw about half a dozen live statues. But it was way less impressive than Rehovot International Live Statues Festival.

Besides the live statues, there were also several other attractions.

There was also ice skating. Well, not really ice. I guess plastic skating would be more accurate.

And when we approached the stage, we heard some Indian music.

Japanese style live-statue performer:

There were also some food and toy stands. The usual stuff.
The White Tower

Note: in many places, the White Tower is also referenced as the White Mosque. Since the tower is the minaret of the White Mosque.
The compound of the White Tower is located in the center of ancient Ramla and dates from the time when the town prospered. The area contains four historic sites. The White Mosque was first built in the 8th century A.D. The remnants we see today date from the end of the 12th century A.D. when the building was renovated upon orders by Sultan Saladin, and also from the time of Mamluk rule in the 13th and 14th centuries.
The White Tower rises to a height of 30 meters. The Mamluk sultan Muhammad Ibn Khalhoun ordered its erection, to be completed in 1318. It served as a watchtower, since even today, its top offers a panoramic view of the entire area, from the Mediterranean coast in the west (including Tel Aviv) to the foot of the Judean Mountains and Samaria in the east.
Some researchers claim that the tower was possibly built as a minaret, an architectural structure serving the muezzin when he calls the Muslim faithful to prayer five times a day.
You can see the White Tower in the photo above. But unfortunately, we could not visit it. We arrived minutes before 19:00, which was almost the closure time. And since I mentioned times, here they are.
Opening Hours and Entrance Fee
The opening hours of The White Tower are the same as of The Pool of Arches. You can see them at the beginning of this post or in the following photo.

The entrance fee is 10 NIS per adult or 9 NIS per child (you can see a photo of the costs in the Pool Of The Arches section).
As part of the Ramla Festival Celebrations, you could purchase tickets for different concerts. We did not. Thus, after seeing everything at the main compound, we called it for the evening and headed home.
Trucks and Transport Museum
Before ending this post, I wanted to mention another popular tourist attraction in Ramla. And it is Taavura Museum – Trucks and Transport Museum.
Taavura Holdings Ltd. is Israel’s largest road haulage and logistics company. And you can find additional details about their free Trucks and Transport museum at The Truck Museum.
Ramla is not a tourist city yet. But it has things to offer. Unfortunately, as we found, the presentation in the touristic attractions is lacking. Thus, if you want to enjoy the city, I would advise joining one of the tours. There are many tours both during the festival and on Fridays.
Have you ever been to Ramla? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.
That’s all for today, and I’ll see you in future travels!
Stay Tuned!
Additional Resources
Here are several resources that I created to help travelers:- Trip Planner with Attractions and Itineraries is the page that will help you create your perfect travel route.
- What is the Best Time to visit Israel? To answer this question, we will consider the weather, prices, holidays, festivals, and more.
- Information and Tips for Tourists to Israel will answer the most common questions tourists have about Israel (including safety, passports, weather, currency, tipping, electricity, and much more).
- Israel National Parks and Nature Reserves include a complete list, top ten, map, tickets (Israel Pass, Matmon, combo), and campsites.
- If you are looking for things to do, here are the pages for Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Sea Of Galilee, Akko (Acre), Eilat, Nazareth, Safed (Tzfat), and Makhtesh Ramon.