cinemagraph בצילום עיצוב פנים
Architectural and Interior Design Photography

Cinemagraph photography Interior

Cinemagraph – Introduction In the past I wrote about Cinemagraph and presented some examples. Briefly Cinemagraph this picture with motion. Tanoa repeats itself and so it is possible to screen a short video loop, and get endless film without jumps. Detailed information about Cinemagraph can be found in the post: Cinemagraphs – Photos with Motion. This post first examples were made for Mordecai era. Cinemagraph benefits…

צילום עיצוב פנים - עם או בלי אור
Architectural and Interior Design Photography

Interior photo – With or without light

I recently encountered a post of interior design photographer photography tips fat better interior design. One of the tips was to turn off all lighting in the home and shoot with natural light only. On the other hand told me about the photographers who like to turn on all the lights. So what should you do? Note: All posts about interior design photography and architectural photography can be seen under the category of…

עדשה לצילום עיצוב פנים
Architectural and Interior Design Photography

Lens photography Interior

Today we'll talk a little bit about lenses in general and specific lens photography Interior / Architectural Photography. Is there such a thing as “Lens photography Interior”. What is the difference between the different lenses. There are some distortions and how to overcome them or take them Ltobotino. so lets start. Note: All posts about photo interior design and architectural photography can be seen under…

זויות בצילום עיצוב פנים
Architectural and Interior Design Photography

Interior camera angles

Today we talk about camera angles Interior. From which angle should shoot and what you should put in the frame. Before we talk about camera angles Interior mention that if you are looking for a professional photographer, Please feel free to contact me at Note: All Entries photography interior design and architectural photography can be seen under the category of architectural photography and interior design. Post a photo…