Israel Trip Planner
Ancient | Cities | Nature | Top Travel Destinations

Vacation in Israel? Trip Planner with Attractions and Itineraries

Trip Planner lists weather and best attractions and suggests routes for each area. And there are various itineraries for the perfect vacation in Israel. Most Popular Israeli Attractions Before planning the trip, we need to find the most popular Israeli attractions. I went over several websites and created a combined ordered list. Primarily it is…

At Sharon Beach National Park, Sharon area, Israel

Sharon Beach National Park – Family Hikes by the Sea

Sharon Beach National Park near Shefayim offers several loop hikes for families. The trails go on top of cliffs by sea. Map Sharon Beach National Park is located between Arsuf and Wingate center by the Mediterranean sea. And it has two main entrances. The southern entrance is behind Shefayim (link to Waze), and the northern…

Events And Festivals by Season in Israel
Birds | Festivals, Events and Shows | Israeli National Parks | Nature | Top Travel Destinations

Events and Festivals in Israel

This guide covers the most famous Israeli events and festivals divided by season. There is also a listing of suggested points of interest and attractions. Weather Hot or rainy weather can significantly impact the attractions you will be picking. Thus, before getting to the Events and Festivals, let’s discuss the weather. Israel Meteorological Service offers…

Visiting Eilat During the Winter – Attractions, Itinerary, and More
Ancient | Animals | Cities | Nature | Top Travel Destinations

Visiting Eilat During the Winter – Attractions, Itinerary, and More

Though most people associate Eilat with swimming in the Red Sea and hanging on the beach, there are plenty of things to do in the winter. The Benefits of Visiting Eilat in the Winter There are three main advantages of visiting Eilat in the winter. And if you are visiting Eilat on a budget,…