Ancient | Cities | Israeli National Parks | Top Travel Destinations

Mamshit National Park – Prosperous Nabatean City in the Negev

Mamshit National Park is a Nabatean city in the Negev desert. Therefore winter is an excellent time to visit this world UNESCO heritage site. Notes: Table of Contents1 Map1.1 Directions2 Camping3 Basic Info3.1 Incense Trade Route4 Mamshit During Winter4.1 City Gate4.2 The Wealthy House4.3 The Tower4.4 Saint Nilus Church4.5 Church of the Saints and Martyrs5…

Latrun Monastery – Visitors Guide
Ancient | Religious Sites

Latrun Monastery – Visitors Guide

Latrun Monastery is the only Trappist monastery in Israel, and it is located in the middle between Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. Note: some also call it the Silent Monastery since the monks keep a vow of silence. Table of Contents1 What does Latrun mean?2 Map3 Directions4 Opening Hours5 Location6 Trappist Monastery6.1 Ottoman Era6.2 British Mandate7 Store8…

Avshalom Cave Nature Reserve
Israeli National Parks | Nature | Top Travel Destinations

Stalactite Cave Nature Reserve – Visitors Guide

Stalactite Cave Nature Reserve (Soreq Cave, Avshalom Cave) is a spectacular cave not far from Beit Shemesh. Table of Contents1 Map2 Coupons3 Guided Tours4 Rules of Conduct5 The Discovery of the Stalactite Cave6 Inside Stalactite Cave7 Why is it Named Avshalom Cave?8 Lighting in the Cave9 What is Stalactite?10 What is the difference between a…

Attractions Near HaNeviim Street In Jerusalem
Cities | Food | Religious Sites | Top Travel Destinations

Attractions Near HaNeviim Street In Jerusalem

Jerusalem HaNeviim street day trip will visit Holy Trinity Cathedral, Italian Hospital, Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and other attractions. Let’s begin! Note: this post includes the description of our actual day trip along HaNeviim street in Jerusalem. And I hope it will give you ideas for your travels. Table of Contents1 Map2 Directions3 Jerusalem City Hall4…

Jaffa Flea Market (Shuk Hapishpeshim) – Visitors Guide
Cities | Flea Markets & Second Hand | Top Travel Destinations

Jaffa Flea Market (Shuk Hapishpeshim) – Visitors Guide

Jaffa Flea Market (Shuk Hapishpeshim) has a variety of art boutiques, designer stores, second-hand places, and restaurants. Notes: Table of Contents1 Map2 Opening Hours2.1 Opening Hours During Festivals & Holidays3 When to Visit3.1 Jaffa Flea Market at Night4 Parking5 Basic Info6 Tours7 Origin Of The Name8 Restaurants and Food Stalls8.1 Abulafia Bakery8.2 Leon Bakery8.3 Tash…