Agamon ha Hula Sunrise Tour video
Birds | Top Travel Destinations

Agamon Hula – Must For Bird Lovers – Visitors Guide

Agamon Hula is a wetland habitat in northern Israel. And during each migration season, millions of birds fly over Hula valley. Hence, it is the perfect place for bird watching. Note: for additional info about animals and wildlife, check out Zoos and Aquariums in Israel‎. Note 2: There is a common mix-up between Hula Nature Reserve…

Picking Grapes in Moshav Lachish, Tali Grapes – Visitors Guide

Picking Grapes in Moshav Lachish, Tali Grapes – Visitors Guide

You can enjoy various activities in the vineyards near Moshav Lachish, particularly self-harvesting grapes at Tali Grapes. Table of Contents1 When is the Grapes Picking Season?2 Opening Hours3 Entrance Fee4 Map5 What are the Included Activities?6 Tali Grapes7 Self Picking Grapes7.1 At the Vineyards7.2 Raisins Package Factory7.3 Ancient Wine Press8 Summary When is the Grapes…

Sarona Neighborhood, Tel Aviv – Visitors Guide

Sarona Neighborhood, Tel Aviv – Visitors Guide

Sarona, which began as a German Templer Colony in 1871, was recently restored and converted into a shopping and entertainment area. Table of Contents1 Map2 Directions3 Parking4 History4.1 British Mandate era4.2 World War II4.3 State of Israel4.4 Restoration5 Opening Hours6 Restaurants7 Shops8 Sarona Market9 Events10 Summary Map Sarona is located at Rav Aluf David Elazar…

Visiting Americana – The First American Show in Israel
Animals | Festivals, Events and Shows

Visiting Americana – The First American Show in Israel

Americana – “the first American show in Israel” was held in Tel Mond (the official site was removed). It was a half day event, and according to organizers, there was: horses show and contest, vintage cars show, Harley Davidson area, horses auction, and several other attractions. Map of the area: The price was 60 NIS per…

Tel Aviv port
Cities | Top Travel Destinations

Tel Aviv Port (Namal Tel Aviv) – Full Visitors Guide with Photos

Tel Aviv Port is a lovely place for all types of outings. There are restaurants, shops, various attractions, parks, and sports facilities. Table of Contents1 About Tel Aviv Port2 Map3 Parking4 Opening Hours5 Restrooms6 Restaurants and Shops6.1 Restaurants7 Tel Aviv Port Market8 Sport Activities9 Activities for Children10 Events11 History11.1 Active port and decline11.2 Namal as…

Israel National Parks and Nature Reserves – Best, Map, Matmon
Ancient | Israeli National Parks | Maps | Nature | Top Travel Destinations

Israel National Parks and Nature Reserves – Best, Map, Matmon

National Parks and Nature Reserves guide includes a complete list, top ten, map, tickets (Israel Pass, Matmon, combo), and campsites. Table of Contents1 Map of National Parks in Israel2 List of National Parks and Nature Reserves in Israel2.1 Northern Region2.2 Central Israel2.3 Southern Region3 Best National Parks and Nature Reserves3.1 My Favorites3.2 Bonus Places4 Ticket…