Viker lookout

Viker Lookout – Mishmar Hasharon Reservoir – Visitors Guide

Viker Lookout (Mishmar Hasharon Reservoir) in Emek Hefer is one of the best places in Israel to see pelican migration. Note: check out Zoos and Aquariums in Israel‎ for additional animal and wildlife information. Map Viker Lookout is situated in Emek Hefer, between Beit HaLevi and Olesh. It is also not far from Agamon Hefer. Some…

Rock hyrax

Rock hyrax – Basic Info and Where You Can Find them in Israel

The rock hyrax is a medium-sized (4–5 kg) mammal native to Africa and the Middle East. Rock Hyraxes eat a wide variety of plants. And in Israel, you can mostly find them in the mountains. Note: I shot the featured image at Ein Gedi Nature Reserve. Basic Info The rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), also called…

Butterfly Nursery, Hof HaCarmel – Visitors Guide

Butterfly Nursery, Hof HaCarmel – Visitors Guide

Butterfly Nursery near Atlit offers fun and educational activity. You can learn about the butterfly life cycle and feed butterflies. Map Butterfly Nursery is located by road #4, near Tsrufa. To get there, enter “Butterfly Nursery” into Waze. Butterfly Nursery is located near Ataturk parking (sometimes called the lower parking of Ofer Forest). This is…